RelevantNoise: Keeping track of the political buzz

I’m a big politics buff, so I thought this article was rather interesting as it brings together my interest in interactive media and the world of politics (and its related to a tool I have used and can recommend). Bloggers and social media enthusiasts on the Internet have weighed in on the recent McCain –…

On NPR’s “Tell Me More”

I’ll be talking about Obama’s Miami Herald op-ed, the Univision debate and other political subjects. Read more here. Update: Great time talking with Michelle, as always! You can read Michelle’s Tell Me More blog right here. You can listen to the audio clip of the segment of Tell Me More.

The Golden Age of media

This is an interesting article on the political balance in media, and certainly worth a read. Its from a right-of-center perspective. I agree with Adam. The way I see it, let free market forces do their job — we don’t need more regulation on our communication channels.

How the presidential candidates are spending their media money

Its interesting to see the different strategies each candidate on both sides of the aisle is using. Nielsen has published some fascinating details on how the presidential candidates are spending their media money and what kind of results they’re getting for it. has the numbers; TechPresident has the highlights.

David All: Modern world, ancient websites

Paul Blumenthal and David All had an Op-Ed on why Congress needs modern websites on The Hill newspaper this last Tuesday in the Open House Project Op-Ed series. They cover “the reasons why member Web sites are often just polished brochures, accessories to the actual functions of the office.” Technology and politics are rapidly intertwining…

Making The Case For Online Advertising ‘Inside The Beltway’

Interesting article by Dave Morgan, Chairman of Tacoda, that intersects the world of politics, and the clash with rapidly changing technology–some with legitimate use, and some not. As you might imagine, it’s not easy to draft highly detailed regulatory language that can clearly and effectively attack the bad uses of complex and fast-changing technologies without…

Congress Needs to Get With the Times on Communication

Adfero’s Chris Battle wrote a guest column in today’s edition of Roll Call. A former Chief of Staff, Battle encourages Members to get with the times and welcome, not discourage increasing amounts of constituent email. I’m not a big fan of “big government” so there is no big surprise here. Turns out that a thriving…

Governor Richardson and YouTube Political Ads’s Matt Lewis commented on Bill Richardson’s new TV ads and calls them brilliant. Proof it doesn’t take a ton of money to make a good web ad … I can glean a few key lessons from these ads. First, as it seems Governor Richardson’s campaign is doing, YouTube is a great place to “Focus…

DomeNation: More YouTube and Politics

David All has joined with Jerome Armstrong from MyDD to start a new YouTube based weekly TV show, DomeNation. I watched the first couple episodes and thought it was well done. In DC, if you want to be a student of Internet and communications, you inevitably have to step into politics. These guys are coming…

Presidential campaigns and the Internet

In case you haven’t seen it yet, a great stop for tracking what the presidential candidates are doing online (on both sides of the political spectrum) is TechPresident. Joshua Levy has a Daily Digest of the day’s activities or news of interest. For today, for example, he writes about TechPresident blogger David All and his…

Refreshingly new way to engage people with political advertising

This is fascinating! I can see the power of this technique in advertising. Can you imagine a manufacturer doing this with a popular product, and asking their product users to post replies? TechPresident contributor Steve Garfield writes about it here. John Edwards sent out an email yesterday promoting an “emergency” ad protesting President Bush’s veto…